EBEN: Extreme bandwidth extension network applied to speech signals captured with noise-resilient body-conduction microphones

Scientific Day 2023 – Computer Science X Circuits and Systems
ISEP campus - 15/06/2023

Julien HAURET, Thomas JOUBAUD, Véronique ZIMPFER, Éric BAVU
☆ : LMSSC, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, France, HESAM Université
† : Department of Acoustics and Soldier Protection, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL)




BANG Prototype

New generation ear plug
Quiet conditions



85dB noise





Pseudo Quadrature Mirror Filters

Pseudo Quadrature Mirror Filter (PQMF) banks
Analysis and synthesis

In practice

EBEN : Extreme Bandwidth Extension Network

EBEN Generator
EBEN overview

Loss functions

\[ \mathcal{L_D}= \underbrace{E_y\left[ \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k \in [0,3]} \frac{1}{T_{k,L_k}} \sum_t max(0,1-D_{k,t}(y))\right]}_\textrm{real adversarial} + \underbrace{E_x\left[ \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k \in [0,3]} \frac{1}{T_{k,L_k}} \sum_t max(0,1+D_{k,t}(G(x)))\right]}_\textrm{fake adversarial} \] \[\mathcal{L_G}= \underbrace{E_x\left[ \frac{1}{K} \displaystyle \sum_{k \in [0,3]} \frac{1}{T_{k,L_k}} \sum_t max(0,1-D_{k,t}(G(x)))\right]}_\textrm{adversarial} + \underbrace{ E_x\left[ \frac{1}{K} \displaystyle \sum_{\substack{k \in [0,3] \\ l \in [1,L_k [ }} \frac{1}{T_{k,l}F_{k,l}} \displaystyle \sum_t \| D_{k,t}^{(l)}(y)-D_{k,t}^{(l)}(G(x))\| _{L_1} \right]}_\textrm{feature matching} \]


Qualitative results: EBEN

Objective metrics

Simulated In-ear 2.42 (0.34) 8.4 (3.7) 0.83 (0.05)
Audio U-net 2.24 (0.49) 11.9 (3.7) 0.87 (0.04)
Hifi-GAN v3 1.32 (0.16) -25.1 (11.4) 0.78 (0.04)
Seanet 1.92 (0.48) 11.1 (3.0) 0.89 (0.04)
Streaming Seanet 2.01 (0.46) 11.2 (3.6) 0.89 (0.04)
EBEN (ours) 2.08 (0.45) 10.9 (3.3) 0.89 (0.04)


Frugality indicators

Speech \[P_{gen}\] \[P_{dis}\] \[\tau~\textrm{(ms)}\] \[\delta~\textrm{(MB)}\]
Audio U-net 71.0 M \[\emptyset\] 37.5 1117.3
Hifi-GAN v3 1.5 M 70.7 M 3.1 22.2
Seanet 8.3 M 56.6 M 13.1 89.2
Streaming Seanet 0.7 M 56.6 M 7.5 10.9
EBEN (ours) 1.9 M 27.8 M 4.3 20



Thank you for your attention

julien.hauret@lecnam.net | https://jhauret.github.io/eben/


Signal processing equations

Source-Filter model \[y(t) = (h*x)(t) \] \[Y(f) = H(f).X(f) \]
Transfer function estimation \[H(f)=\frac{P_{xy}(f)}{P_{xx}(f)} \] \[C_{xy}(f)=\frac{|P_{xy}(f)|^2}{P_{xx}(f) . P_{yy}(f)} \]

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Deep learning

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