Increasing the intelligibility of speech signals captured with noise-resilient body-conduction microphones

Starting date: December 1, 2021

Funding: ANR (50% ISL/50% Cnam) - AHEAD project
Artificial Intelligence for Health, Physical Models, Transportation and Defense

PhD student: Julien HAURET
Director: Éric BAVU
Supervisors: Thomas JOUBAUD, Véronique ZIMPFER

☆ : Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
† :Department of Acoustics and Soldier Protection, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis




Body-Conduction Microphones

Quiet conditions


In-ear microphone

85dB noise


In-ear microphone




EBEN : Extreme Bandwidth Extension Network

EBEN Generator
EBEN overview

EBEN Results

Qualitative results: EBEN

MUSHRA comparative evaluation

Frugality indicators

Speech \[P_{gen}\] \[P_{dis}\] \[\tau~\textrm{(ms)}\] \[\delta~\textrm{(MB)}\]
Audio U-net 71.0 M \[\emptyset\] 37.5 1117.3
Hifi-GAN v3 1.5 M 70.7 M 3.1 22.2
Seanet 8.3 M 56.6 M 13.1 89.2
Streaming Seanet 0.7 M 56.6 M 7.5 10.9
EBEN (ours) 1.9 M 27.8 M 4.3 20

Associated publications and communications

  • 16ème Congrès français d’acoustique de la SFA, 2022
  • MT180 Édition 2023 - Finale HESAM Université
  • EBEN GitHub repository
  • Project page of EBEN
  • Conference paper at ICASSP 2023 IEEE
  • Journal paper in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
  • VibraVox

    Thank you for your attention



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